The role of content is simple – to educate, entertain, and inspire. Any content that contains these three ingredients in adequate doses – whether it’s a book or a simple email – has the potential to foster a real human connection once it’s in front of your ideal clients. Read our 5 step result driven process here.
How To Persuade Your Audience To Buy What You’re Selling: 3 Lessons From Famous Speeches
Humans will always gravitate towards a tribe or community of other like-minded people. So what can you do to warm the hearts of your audience and convince them to listen to you? How did these speakers evoke a powerful response and get the audience on their side?
7 Ways to Work From Home: Effective Tips For A Healthy Work-life Balance
Are you struggling to strike a balance between work and home? Maybe you’re working late nights with your back hunched over a desk and squinting into a screen, and still not finding the time to create inspiring and educational content for your audience. If so this blog is for you.
4 Insightful Blog Posts To Help You Produce Winning Content In 2023
Happy New Year! Last year the WBR blog went from strength to strength – I am incredibly proud of the content we produced over the year. To start the new year off, I wanted to revisit some of the content which I think will prove invaluable reading to those of you looking to make 2023 a year of winning content.
3 Simple Tricks To Beat Procrastination And Produce Your Winning Content
Have you ever tried to sit down at your desk to take care of a project, but found yourself doing everything but what you intended or needed to do? Eventually, what might have been a simple task becomes something uncomfortable to even think about.
How To Create Amazing Emotive Content Without Writing A Word
I presented my talk, “Emotions over Logic: Creating & Promoting A Book That Sparks A Reaction” – sharing a few of the insights into the creation, publication, and promotion of best-selling books that I have learnt over the years. I would love to share a few of these thoughts on using emotion to create engaging content with you.
Join Us At EMC 2022 And Master Marketing Secrets From The Experts
Write Business Results at EMC
Another speaker to look forward to is me – Georgia Kirke, Write Business Results founder. Along with my talented team have helped create around 1200 books, blogs, and podcasts. So, keep an eye out for us at EMC – Wednesday 30th of November until Friday 2nd of December this year in London! You can see the full lineup of speakers and learn more about the event here.
5 Ways To Leverage Your Content And Overcome A Creative Drought
Finding the space in your schedule to work on your content is a challenge for all of us – we all run out of time now and again. I have had those weeks too, but there is one thing that has been a lifesaver every time – using the content I already have as a resource. These are just a few of the strategies
How Blending SEO And PR Can Boost Your Brand And Content Visibility
Have you heard the term search engine optimisation (SEO) thrown around in marketing circles, but never felt you truly used it to its maximum potential within your business? If the answer is yes then you are certainly not alone. Read tips Chris Dickey shared here
Why Understanding Your Reader’s Awareness Level Is The Key To Impactful Content By WBR Content Developer Ivan Meakins
If you spend a lot of time posting content that isn't landing with your audience, you may need to take a step back and think about your ideal reader's awareness level. Let's say you are a renewable energy consulting firm, helping large commercia ...