Leverage Your Content

5 Ways To Leverage Your Content And Overcome A Creative Drought

By Georgia Kirke

Producing and maintaining a blog or podcast that releases content regularly can be challenging. Creating valuable content to offer your readers takes time – which sometimes can be in short supply!

Finding the space in your schedule to work on your content is a challenge for all of us – we all run out of time now and again. It doesn’t matter how much support you have or how well organised your diary is, life will get in the way.

I am sure that everyone has had that Monday morning where they realise that their next blog instalment or podcast episode is due to be posted on Wednesday morning, but their calendar is so full that they are going to be lucky to find time to eat and sleep, let alone write a blog or record a podcast! What do you do when this happens?

You could miss a week – hoping that nobody will notice – or you could quickly cobble something together in whatever five minutes you can spare. Neither of these are particularly attractive options though – quality and consistency matter and your audience deserves to get the valuable content that they have come to expect from you.

I have had those weeks too, but there is one thing that has been a lifesaver every time – using the content I already have as a resource.

These are just a few of the strategies I use to see myself through without compromising what’s most important – delivering value to my audience:

1 – Montage of your most popular blogs/podcasts

If you are keeping an eye on the views and downloads that your content is getting, you will already know which episodes or articles are the most successful. This means that this content in particular is something that your audience finds incredibly valuable. Create a compilation that will refresh the memories of your long-standing audience members and awaken your newer followers to the value of the content hidden away in your archives!

With short excerpts of just five minutes of audio or three paragraphs of text from your top five blogs or podcasts, you can create content which is engaging and fresh while encouraging your audience to dive deeper into “the vault”!

2 – Re-release an episode or article from the vault

Everyone has at least one article or episode which never gets out of date – or perhaps one whose time has come again. If you have content which is particularly pertinent to what is going on in the world or your industry today, share it again!

In late 2019, I wrote an article on how to work from home which was perhaps ahead of its time. With the rise of remote work, this article is now more relevant than ever! Why not update it for the post-pandemic world and share it again?

The master touch with this approach is creating a new intro explaining why it is still relevant or has come back into the spotlight. You can then also spin this introduction into a social post linking to the content!

3 – Create a listicle from successful social media posts

Don’t just lean on your archives, your social media posts can also be put to good use! If you review old posts which did well, you might be able to group them into a common theme. From here, you could create a listicle of top tips, ideas, or insights.

This could be a three-for-one deal! You can use it as a base for social media posting, a blog article AND produce a podcast episode discussing and exploring each point in more detail.

4 – A speed date with your book

Use this as an opportunity to build hype for your book! Set a timer for ten minutes and note down as many awesome one-liners or quotes as you can from your book in that time. Take up to ten of these and spend some time creating content explaining what they mean and why that matters. 

This can again be repurposed into socials as well as blog and podcast content. Not only this, but you have successfully promoted your book as well! Not bad for a half hour’s work.

5 – Share and celebrate some client wins

Client testimonials are gold – put those treasures on display! Take the best line from each testimonial and create a carousel post of them all. Make the last tile in the carousel your call to action or contact details.

If you have another 30 minutes – perhaps while you are travelling – spend 15 minutes making notes on one of those clients.

  • What do you remember about them
  • when they first got in touch?
  • What did you love about working with them?
  • What challenges were they encountering
  • What did you do to help?
  • Where are they now?

Polish up those notes into short paragraphs that sound smooth when you read them out loud. Over time, you can build a collection of case studies that can not only go on your blog, but also on your site.

Catching the train has never been so productive! However, when written content is not your thing, audio edits feel like neuroscience and uploading and scheduling make you want to hide under your desk, you need to delegate those tasks.

Content strategy, production and promotion are a passion for my team and I – we take huge pride in the results we help our clients to achieve. So if you currently lack these capabilities on your team, never panic. Instead, why not book a clarity call to learn more about how our team of experts at Write Business Results can help. 

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