By Georgia Kirke We can all agree that creating high-quality regular content is important for growing our personal brands and our businesses – you wouldn’t be reading this blog if you didn’t think that was the case. But what if the thought of ...
How To Efficiently Create 6 Months Of Content In 60 Minutes
By Georgia Kirke How would you like to generate six months of high-quality content in just 60 minutes? A few weeks ago, I had an interesting conversation with Airmanual Co-founder Alexis Kingsbury on his podcast, De-stress Your Business. We t ...
From YouTube To $33 Million Investments In Silicon Valley Startups: The Power Of Great Content
By Ivan Meakins with Gabriel Jarrosson This blog has been taken from Episode 3 of the Climb podcast, a show that was recorded for the Climb23 event, hosted by Gordon Bateman and Investor Ladder. Find the full conversation with Gabriel Jarrosson her ...
Storytelling, Authenticity, And Innovation: 3 Content Creation Lessons From The Goals Guy®
By The WBR Team Creating consistent content can be incredibly difficult. On one hand, you need to produce content that your audience will enjoy. On the other hand, new ideas are hard to come by, especially if your creative juices have run dry. ...
Thought Leadership Vs Content Marketing: What’s The Difference?
By Sogi Chukwuanu A few weeks ago, my computer’s touchpad suddenly packed up in the middle of the workday. With dozens of looming deadlines, I did what any rational thinker would do. I panicked and ran straight to Google for help. Eventually, I ...
How Tom Soane Hit An Amazon Bestseller In 8 Categories With His New Book
By The WBR Team Not all content is created equal. This is especially true with books. Some gather dust on shelves, while others take off and leave a lasting impression on readers. But why do some authors hit it big with their book launch, while others ...
5 Ways To Help You Earn £100k In A Year Once You Publish Your Book
Do you have a burning desire to write a business book but keep putting it off because you can’t see how it would bring in any money? You’re not alone, but the truth is you’re likely to make approximately £1.25 profit per copy sold. You’d have to sell ...
Why Every Organisation Needs Great Content with guest Guy Remond
Creating content has never been more important for businesses than it is now. But is it relevant for all businesses and in every industry? To find out, I sat down with multiple business owner, investor, and the author of several fantastic books – Guy ...
What’s In A Name? How To Choose The Right Title For Your Book with guest author Kat Lewis
When most people come to us to write a book, I’m pretty sure that they aren’t overly worried about the title. Their primary concerns are the structure, what content they’ll share, whether they have enough to say and whether what they do say will be relev ...
What To Consider When Creating Your Content Strategy
We’re back on Day 2 of the Personal Branding For Business Owners blog series! I’m joined again by personal branding connoisseur Guy Remond; Non-Exec Director, Investor and entrepreneur. Guy, it's fascinating to hear the impact just putting ...