Guy, thank you for doing this series with me on building personal brands for business owners! You have had huge successes in your businesses as a result of brand building and have loads of good stuff to share with us over 4 blogs! These will be published ...
Now could be a great time to publish content and avoid competing on price
There’s never a bad time to publish content these days, let’s face it. When times are tough, people need your leadership. When times are good, people want to celebrate with others and maximise the good times. So what makes now any different? Well here we ...
10 Benefits Of Having An Ebook
Introduction To thrive in the ever-changing world in which we now live, business leaders especially must continually adapt and evolve in order to survive. And I’m not just talking about updating products and services; entrepreneurs must also leverage new ...
How to work from home
Whenever I tell people I work for myself from home, the typical reaction is a combination of mild horror and outright awe. “But how do you get anything done?” “If that were me, I’d just end up sleeping in and watching Netflix.” “Do you bother getting dres ...
The Story That Will Make You Irresistible To Clients
Overview You've probably heard the term Expert Positioning Story in business before. It's become one of those things-you-know-you-should-have but truth be told, most business owners don't know how to pinpoint their story let alone how to write it and ...
3 Practical Tips For Anyone Who Wants To Write A Book
To write a book is a huge accomplishment but of course, very rarely can you reap rewards as large as the ones authors do without also putting in a huge amount of work, right? Wrong. There are - luckily - ways to simplify book production, publication ...