How A Lonely Surgeon Became A Social Media Sensation By Spreading Joy By Georgia Kirke And Special Guest Dr Iman Taheri

How A Lonely Surgeon Became A Social Media Sensation By Spreading Joy By Georgia Kirke And Special Guest Dr Iman Taheri

Many personal brands are set up with a strong business focus underpinning them, but Dr Iman Tehari, a surgeon from Iran, set up social media accounts to combat his loneliness after becoming stranded in Toronto when the pandemic interrupted his travel pla ...

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Why Every Successful (And Happy) Entrepreneur Needs To Love Their Business By Georgia Kirke With Special Guest Derrick Errol Evans, AKA “Mr Motivator” MBE

Entrepreneurs thrive on a positive outlook and determination; the world’s leading health and wellbeing coach, Mr Motivator, has an abundance of both. I’m still buzzing from our previous conversation, but his message is so on point for entrepreneurs I ...

How The UK’s Comedy Hero Guarantees Laughter In Life And Business By Georgia Kirke With Special Guest Kev Orkian

How The UK’s Comedy Hero Guarantees Laughter In Life And Business – By Georgia Kirke And With Special Guest Kev Orkian

If there was one person who made quarantine look fun over the last year it was comedian Kev Orkian. During lockdown he was compelled to take over the legendary comedy brand, Jongleurs, and help children to laugh and feel more positive. As well as now ...

Opportunities Of The Future And How To Seize Them

Opportunities Of The Future And How To Seize Them with guest Ross Thornley

At times, the future can be a scary thing to think about. Technology is developing faster than we can blink, and more and more people are starting to become aware of the irreversible effects of global climate change. And those are only two things on a ...


Now could be a great time to publish content and avoid competing on price

There’s never a bad time to publish content these days, let’s face it. When times are tough, people need your leadership. When times are good, people want to celebrate with others and maximise the good times. So what makes now any different? Well here we ...