Perhaps in our shortest blog EVER, today we expose 'the B word'. The 3-letter laggard loitering around so many aspiring authors…That waspish self-talk we know doesn’t serve us but somehow can’t resist…The crème de la crème of procrastination… It’s ...
Actions That Get Results (and it’s NOT writing a best-seller!)
So your book isn’t a stand-alone item. It is, in fact, a part of your business plan. It’s a marketing tool and a highly effective one at that. But we know this already; don’t we? Then why do the majority of business owners who’ve gone to the trou ...
How To Choose The Right Topic For Your Book
Knowing what to write about can be confusing for authors, particularly if you're new to it. It can be easy to give in to the temptation of procrastination - "I can't decide what to write about, I obviously need to give this book some more thought" - so to ...
When is the best time to write your book?
"Ruth Stone once beautifully described the moments at which inspiration for her next poem caught up with her as a thunderous train of air that would come barrelling down over the landscape. And she would run like hell to the house, as she would be ch ...
Accountability For Those Too Busy To Plan!
There are certain times of year I just love, as a business owner. Take Christmas, for example. We get to wrap up ongoing projects, take stock of our accomplishments over the year just gone, plan lots of exciting things for the year ahead, and re-evaluate ...