Blog Writing services

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A blog serves as a hub for your knowledge, ideas, and expertise. Since short-form content is on the rise, it’s an incredible avenue to catch your audience’s attention, boost your recognition, develop your voice, test hot topics with your audience, and gradually establish yourself as an authority within your niche.

But how do you create consistent, up-to-date content without losing steam or sacrificing your time?

That’s where our Content Creation Process™ comes in. Using this award-winning roadmap, we’ll help you create fully SEO-optimised, edited and proofread blogs. It’s your ideas, your words, and your tone of voice – no writing required on your part.

What’s included in our SEO blog content writing service?

  • High-quality, SEO-optimised blogs
  • Speak your blog content, we write it up
  • A marketing blueprint and written launch plan
  • A customised SEO-friendly schedule
  • Social posts, graphics and audiograms
  • Email campaigns
  • Launch
  • Marketing checklist, cheat sheet, scorecard and project board
  • A dedicated monthly performance report.