How To Beat Overwhelm, Share Your Message And Help Clients Find You By WBR Content Developer Ivan Meakins
Right now your dream clients are waiting for you to share the expertise that makes them eager to invest in your products or services, but instead of you firing out valuable content you are struggling to know where to start (and potentially missing out on new business).
At Write Business Results we know from our experience (with new and aspiring authors) that you have an abundance of ideas for content; your real problem is not knowing how to create a logical structure that also generates tangible results for your business.
By the time you finish reading this article you will know the exact two step process you need to use to unlock your creativity, demonstrate your expertise, and draw in the right clients for you and your business.
Step one: brainstorm
Brainstorming will help you get clear on the main pain points your clients experience so that they recognise you’re the right person to help them.
Step one has two parts:
- Identify and write down the specific problems that you help your clients solve (and make sure they’re relevant to your products and services!).
- Shortlist (between one and three) problems that impact your clients the most.
The second step supports you to think big!
Step two: imagine the opportunity of a lifetime
Imagine that you have 90 minutes with a room packed full of your ideal clients; your aim is to deliver a presentation that gets all of them to invest in your products or services. What would you want to include in that presentation?
To help give it structure, consider:
- Writing down one of the main problems they face (from step one) in the centre of a page and creating a mind map (where you expand on that problem by listing subtopics).
- How would you introduce this 90-minute session?
- What would you include in the middle?
- How would you conclude your presentation (clear call to action to work with you, buy a product)?
When you follow step one (brainstorm specific problems your clients face) and step two (create a mind map outlining what you would deliver in a 90-minute presentation) you create the structure your mind needs to fine tune your message in a way that speaks directly to your client.
Once you have committed your ideas to paper it can be useful to give yourself some breathing space (a 10-minute break or sleep on it!), before you decide the best format (blog, podcast, vlog, newsletter, book) based on the problem you will help solve and how your clients best engage.
Now you know what to say and have a clear plan to help structure it, join us for tomorrow’s blog where we’ll share how you can create maximum engagement.
PS – Is our 12 day content challenge supporting you to find ways to reach more of your dream clients and help them transform their lives through your products or services? Do you want to take your life and business to the next level in 2022? If so, check out our brand and content strategy session.
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