Day 6 of the 12-Day Personal Branding Challenge

Day 6 of the 12-Day Personal Branding Challenge

5 Digital Marketing Trends You Need to Know For 2022


Do you remember the sheer panic at the start of the pandemic when people had little choice but to make the most of technology and use platforms such as Zoom for meetings?

Amidst the sudden insight into other people’s spare rooms masquerading as the ‘home office’ and conversations of whose wifi had the weakest connection, people the world over quickly learnt to embrace technology to the extent that many of us no longer want to revert to life or business as it used to be.

Moving into 2022, technology is likely to continue to force our businesses to evolve, and that includes how we create and share our content.

Here are five of the digital marketing trends we are looking forward to in 2022 (and by the time you finish reading this article we hope you’re looking forward to them, because they will help revolutionise your business).

  1. Chatbots and voice assistants 

A chatbot (term derived from chat robot) is software that simulates human-like conversations with users via voice or text communication.

It’s a system that could help you gather new business leads on your website (or social media) within seconds. Because it’s intuitive and brings in data from the users’ social media profile it saves them time and effort.

You can use chatbots to automate customer service queries so even if you are sound asleep your client queries are taken care of.

Chatbots are very interactive and smart; advances in technology mean that they create conversational marketing opportunities without sounding like a robot. The chatbot technology will automate answers based on the online behaviour of the prospect or client when they visit your site.

At WBR we will soon be making the most of chatbots on both Facebook and Instagram. Watch this space!

  1. Hybrid events

It was quickly realised after the first lockdown that offering in-person only events left businesses vulnerable. Entrepreneurs the world over have embraced technology and by offering hybrid events (in-person with an online option) they can offer greater flexibility and retain control.

Hybrid events enable you to work from any physical location and maximise attendance.

  1. Multi-channel marketing for a connected digital experience

This sounds fancy doesn’t it?! Essentially it’s about making the most of all the social media channels available. Don’t limit yourself to Instagram or Facebook  (or assume that Tik-Tok is just for kids!).

Be open to the available channels, and at the very least spend some time on a few different platforms and get to know if your target audience is there.

If you feel resistant to this and it sounds like ‘another thing to add to the ever-growing to-do list’ get in touch with the WBR personal branding virtual assistant team because you can outsource this to us and continue working in your own zone of genius.

Our team already have the experience and the ability to execute proven strategies to help you reach your growth goals.

Entrepreneurs (think Bill Gates or Steve Jobs) routinely surround themselves with people who are experts in different areas to them so that they can utilise the knowledge and maximise the expertise (while focusing on what they do best).

  1. A highly personalised content experience.

Research shows that 74% of online consumers are frustrated by content that is presented to them online as it has little or nothing to do with their personal interests.

2022 is tipped to deliver us a highly personalised content experience. More and more businesses are choosing to share heartwarming stories or creative ideas that offer a solution to a specific problem without being annoying!

To make the most of this you need to be very clear on your target audience (WBR can support you to create great content that will speak directly to your audience). Consumers are tired of seeing content that isn’t relevant to them and personalising content is one trend we’re particularly looking forward to in 2022.

  1. Automation

Automation has taken centre stage in many business processes from email sequences to social media posts. While it might be a little time consuming to begin with, it will ensure that your business is working efficiently longer term and reduce the random scrolling that occasionally happens even when you go online with a purpose! It also enables you to batch content marketing posts so you don’t need to dip in and out daily!

See our previous blog on 5 Time-Saving Tools You’ll Instantly Fall In Love With

10-second takeaway

Which of the top five digital marketing trends are you most looking forward to next year? Pop into the Facebook group and let us know.

In the meantime, if you’d love support to build your personal brand and revolutionise your business through books, blogs or podcasts get in touch or why not schedule a brand and content strategy session so you can start 2022 as you mean to go on?

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