The #1 Secret To delivering Customer Service That Wows
By Georgia Kirke with special guest Gavin Scott
There’s a secret that not many people know about when it comes to creating exceptional customer experiences.
What if I told you that if you were privy to the secret you could effortlessly build customer loyalty (and a happy team!)?
The big reveal; you don’t need fancy gimmicks to wow your customers. Every interaction counts, including the tiny ones that you think go unnoticed.
When it comes to creating a show-stopping customer experience WBR author Gavin Scott is top of my list of go-to people to consult. His book Finding Gold Dust: How To Create Exceptional Customer Experiences shares all the nuggets you need to impress your customers and boost your bottom line (and they’re stunningly simple to implement!).
Every impression counts
Gavin’s first piece of wisdom is to remember that every single interaction you have (through content, face-to-face interaction or email) creates an impression of you and your brand. When you hold that thought in your mind you’ll realise that everything you do has the potential to make a difference and help people to feel valued (or not).
Gavin: “Develop the mindset that you will focus on your brand and ensure that every piece of content is going to have a positive impact on your business and your brand. I’ve worked with some big brands including O₂. We sold that brand to Telefonica for £18 billion many years ago and we absolutely recognise that our brand was key to our success.”
Influencing brand reputation
One of the things I really liked about Gavin’s observation is that it speaks directly to the mindset of the content creator. It’s easy to fall into the trap of focusing on your brand’s reputation (what other people say about your brand when you’re not in the room), but you have the ability to influence that through every single action and interaction.
Can you imagine the difference you could make to your business if you were mindful that every single time you communicate it’s a reflection on your brand?
It seems incredibly simple, and it’s clearly powerful. I wanted to know where an entrepreneur should start to make any necessary changes.
Be congruent in your approach
Gavin: “If you say that you want to make the experience feel easy and effortless, then that’s going to show up in anything and everything that you do. You’ve got to make it easy and effortless for your customers. But how do you make it easy and effortless for your employees? Congruence starts from the inside, and it works its way out. Often companies tell me they want to improve the customer experience, but then the experience that the employees get is not a great one!
Being congruent in your approach starts from within and works its way out; that’s one of the key things I focus on when it comes to supporting business leaders.”
Building customer loyalty
When a concept as simple as walk your talk inside and outside of your business has such potency I wanted to know if there were any other prompts entrepreneurs could consider.
Gavin: “I’m baffled by the volume of poor experiences that I’m faced with on a day-to-day basis. So, you know, my one piece of advice is just get the basics right. If you consistently focus on that your customers will stay loyal. They will spend more money, and they’ll recommend you to their family and friends. It’s not about bells and whistles. It’s about getting the basics right; that’s what customers want. And that’s what’s going to make every interaction feel easy and effortless.”
10-second takeaway
What basics do you need to get right in your business? What are the foundations that support your business? Give yourselves a score out of 10 (10 is the best) and work out where you could improve. Head on over to the Facebook group and share your findings!
Do you dream of elevating your brand by writing a book in 2022, but are not sure where to start? Books, blogs and podcasts are powerful ways to stand out amongst your competitors and take your prospective customers deeper on their journey (and hopefully one step closer to working with you!). If you’d love to make that dream a reality why not book a personal brand content strategy session? Schedule yours here.
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