3 Simple Steps to Boost Your Brand & Profits

About This Training

What Makes a Bullet-Proof Book Plan

Your Book Plan

A solid plan is the secret ingredient of all successful books. There are some key considerations when it comes to creating yours, and it's the difference between your book and brand winning or failing.

In this lesson, you will learn:
- What goes into a solid book plan
- What results are available to you with that plan in place
- What can happen if you continue your book without this plan

Listen in to discover the simple yet powerful questions high-profile entrepreneurs answer to reverse engineer their books and brand for commercial success!

Download The Book Creation Checklist Here!

What is Takes To Produce a Bestselling Book

Part A: Production

Part B: Fact vs. Fiction

Producing Your Book

Producing a book is where the most time is spent. This part can be stressful IF the right resources and support system aren't in place. But with the people, processes and guidance, you can create an impactful, high-quality book and will also enjoy the journey!

This lesson explains:
- The 4 main parts of book production
- Tips, tricks and traps
- Book production timeframes

Qualifying Your Book Production Team

Your Book Production Team

We are fortunate enough to be building our brands in a time when team doesn't just mean hiring people. It can also mean software, community and other resources.

This lesson teaches:
- Who and what you'll need on your book production team
- What they all do
- How to make sure they're the right fit

For example, some authors are not writers! yet their books are truly theirs and of excellent quality. Listen in to see how they do it.

How To Get Published

Publishing Your Work

Have you ever felt confused over the different ways to publish your book? Do you believe you need a traditional publisher to be taken seriously as an author? Are you self-publishing because you don't think a publisher would accept your draft?

These are common questions!

This video provides:
- An overview of the 3 route to publishing
- The pros and cons of each
- Clarity around timeframes, rights, pricing and other key considerations

Download The Bestseller Marketing Blueprint Here!

How To Launch Your Bestselling News

Launching Your Bestseller

Launch time is usually a blur of excitement, positivity and noise! But what happens after launch? I'm sure we've all seen others release books, talk about it a lot on social media, then it disappears almost as quickly as it appears. Why is that?

Find out in this lesson:
- What exactly a book launch is
- Timeframes and how to prepare
- Specific launch strategies to get your book off to the best possible start.

Bestseller Campaign: What You Need To Know

Achieving #1 Bestseller

Even if impact and revenue are your top goals, I've never met an author who wouldn't like that coveted #1 spot to their name. When your book is officially recognised as a bestseller, it gives it and you credibility, you'll feel even more proud of your work and the social proof it provides helps more people to make the decision to buy it.

Publishing a bestselling book is far more than a vanity metric!

This video teaches exactly how the Amazon algorithm works and what you need to do to claim your place in the top rankings.

How To Keep Your Book Working Post-Launch

Post-Launch Activity

Once your book is out there, published, and a bestseller to your name, how do you make sure it doesn't simply fade into the background? What are the strategies you need post-launch to make sure your book is still working hard for you a year, 3, 5, even 10 years from now.

Listen in to learn:
- Specific post-launch goals & strategies
- The content marketing system that you can build into your business to make your book's impact permanent
- How to use your content to continually communicate your message and build your personal brand.

Download The Relationships Recognition Revenue Framework Here!

Where The Real Money Is Made

Making Money From Your Book

Did you know that your publisher (self-published, hybrid or traditional), will take the lion's share of your book's sales earnings?

Most authors are shocked to learn that up to 90% of your book's sales profits go to the publisher. You'll understand though when you hear why. And in that case, how do authors make serious money with their books? How do they liquidate their personal brand?

This lesson covers where authors really make money from their work.

6-Figure Sales Strategies

"I Can Make 6 Figures From One Book?!"

We all fatigue occasionally from hearing about 6-figure this and 7-figure that in the business world, HOWEVER, 5- and 6-figure returns on investment in the production of their book are typically reported by Write Business Results. Some have achieved 7- and 8-figures, too.

You'll find out why and how in this video. These results are possible for entrepreneurs with a business book or personal development book. You just need to understand how to bake your book into your business processes. It's all about leverage!

Enjoy this lesson and take plenty of notes, it's incredibly exciting! These results are there for the taking by those who take action.

How To Complete Your Training

You've just learned an awful lot - congratulations for getting this far! HOWEVER, none of it matters if it doesn't now translate into action.

How do you intend on taking this training forward? This video explains how I can continue to support you and the results you can look forward to with this approach...



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