Dan Kirby

How Dan Kirby Hit The Top 2.5% Of All Global Podcasts

By The WBR Team

Podcasting has become an increasingly popular medium for business leaders to build their brands and grow a loyal community of active listeners. However, there’s a difference between a podcast that simply exists and one that actually thrives. With over four million podcasts out there, there’s a significant chance that your podcast will get lost in the sea of content and eventually podfade

So, how do you prevent it from falling off the map? 

When it comes to chart-topping podcasts, few have done it better than Dan Kirby, our Content Creator of the Month. Dan is an entrepreneur of 22 years and host of the Honey I Blew Up The Business podcast. Recently, Dan’s podcast got into the top 2.5 per cent of all global podcasts, and we wanted to celebrate it with him.

Whether you’re thinking of launching a podcast or trying to get your show out of a podfade, there are a few valuable lessons to be drawn from his journey:

1. Draw inspiration from your personal experiences

Regardless of the topic, most people turn to podcasts for one thing only: authenticity. While all listeners definitely want quality content, it’s the authenticity behind it all that makes them return. They want to connect with the host and hear real, relatable stories – no fluff, no cookie-cutter talk, and no rehearsed ads.

And what better way to provide this authenticity than by drawing upon your own personal experiences?

In 2017, Dan blew up his business. He found himself on the edge of bankruptcy and everything he had worked for up until that moment was about to crumble. This experience inspired him to launch a podcast where he speaks with other entrepreneurs about when things went wrong and what they learnt from the experience.

Think about your own journey as a business leader. What experiences have you accumulated along the way and how can your listeners benefit from them?

2. Identify a gap in the market.. and fill it

With millions of podcasts out there, it can be hard to find a niche that’s not already over-saturated. However, the key to gaining a competitive edge in an already saturated niche is to find a unique angle – and make the most of it. 

As of 2021, business podcasts were the fourth most popular genre, making up 8.91 per cent of all podcasts. Yet Dan found a gap in this genre and filled it. 

He realised that most content around entrepreneurship (particularly on social media) revolved around the shiny wins. There weren’t enough resources that addressed the darker side of entrepreneurship – which is a tad ironic, considering the fact that 60 per cent of businesses fail within their first three years. This gap presented a unique opportunity for Dan to help other entrepreneurs navigate this hidden side of business ownership and come out on top.

What gap can you identify within your niche? What’s an angle that hasn’t been explored yet or isn’t being explored enough?

3. Collaborate with other experts 

If you’ve followed any of our previous blogs or podcasts, you’ll notice a common pattern: collaboration. Collaborating with other experts strengthens your ideas, creating an engaging, multidimensional perspective for your audience. It also creates opportunities for network expansion as you can tap into your guests’ audience and showcase your value to a wider community. 

Over the last two seasons of his podcast, Dan has spoken with 80 entrepreneurs to share their own personal experiences and unique insights. This way, his tribe of listeners get to enjoy diverse, credible, and highly informative content. And Dan has built a network of ongoing collaborators and partners from this bonding conversation.

How will Dan’s experience inspire your content creation journey moving forwards? 

If you’re keen to start your own podcasting journey or revive your existing content, book a Clarity Call today to find out how our team of experts can help.

Congratulations to Dan Kirby once again! Dan is the co-founder of The Tech Dept and the host of Honey I Blew Up The Business

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