Happy New Year! Last year the WBR blog went from strength to strength – I am incredibly proud of the content we produced over the year. To start the new year off, I wanted to revisit some of the content which I think will prove invaluable reading to those of you looking to make 2023 a year of winning content.
3 Simple Tricks To Beat Procrastination And Produce Your Winning Content
Have you ever tried to sit down at your desk to take care of a project, but found yourself doing everything but what you intended or needed to do? Eventually, what might have been a simple task becomes something uncomfortable to even think about.
How To Create Amazing Emotive Content Without Writing A Word
I presented my talk, “Emotions over Logic: Creating & Promoting A Book That Sparks A Reaction” – sharing a few of the insights into the creation, publication, and promotion of best-selling books that I have learnt over the years. I would love to share a few of these thoughts on using emotion to create engaging content with you.
4 Simple Steps To Create A Winning Roadmap To Publishing Success
Writing a book is a challenging and daunting project to take on. Many of our clients often think that having the idea itself is the most important part – but actually writing, promoting, and launching the book is where the real work begins.
But where do you start?
What Makes A Great Business Book And How Can You Write One?
“What makes a great business book great?”
A simple enough question, but thinking of the best answer was infinitely more complex. Read more here
5 Ways Publishing A Book Can Lead You To Phenomenal Success
By Georgia Kirke with special guest Derek Allen Mason Do you need to be a professional or established writer to write a book? There was a time where being a published author was seen to be confined to an elite or select group of people but now ...
How A Traumatic Labour Led To The Birth Of A Seven-Figure Business with Tamara Cianfini
It’s often said that the most magnetic personal brands stem from entrepreneurs who are on a “heartfelt mission” to drive change. UK Doula, Founder of The Wise Hippo birthing programme, and author of The Birth Path Tamara Cianfini, is testament to that ...
5 Ways To Help You Earn £100k In A Year Once You Publish Your Book
Do you have a burning desire to write a business book but keep putting it off because you can’t see how it would bring in any money? You’re not alone, but the truth is you’re likely to make approximately £1.25 profit per copy sold. You’d have to sell ...
How To Build Your Brand And Business And Keep The Money Talk Real By Georgia Kirke with special guest Samantha Hearne
Building a personal brand is exhilarating, sometimes exhausting, and then there’s lots of talk about money that might occasionally make you feel a bit cringe! What do you believe about money? Does it drive you? Is it a dirty word? Do you bump up again ...
How To Master Your Inner Game, Boost Your Brand And Reap The Rewards By Georgia Kirke with special guest Baiju Solanki
Do you ever find yourself building your personal brand with one foot on the accelerator and the other on the brake? Would you love to find ways to drop the stop-start and share your brilliant content with the people who really need to know about your ser ...