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Why The Right Structure Helps You Write A Better Book By WBR Content Developer Ivan Meakins And Senior Editor Kat Lewis

Writing a book is on the bucket list for business owners the world over, and with good reason; the commercial results can catapult them to six or seven-figure success. When you’re an expert on your subject and want to share your knowledge and wisdom w ...

Photo credit to Sharron Goodyear

What Happens To Your Book Once It’s In The Hands Of Your Editor (The Inside Scoop) By WBR Editor Kat Lewis

Having worked in various writing roles in the last ten years, I’m used to people being a little confused about what I do. When I worked as a copywriter I was regularly asked questions about legal protections and copyright; people still looked baffled whe ...

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What’s In A Name? How To Choose The Right Title For Your Book with guest author Kat Lewis

When most people come to us to write a book, I’m pretty sure that they aren’t overly worried about the title. Their primary concerns are the structure, what content they’ll share, whether they have enough to say and whether what they do say will be relev ...